
Brandon Lake “Coat of Many Colors” Album Review

Brandon Lake

Prime Cuts: Coat of Many Colors, Praise You Anywhere, Miracle Child

Overall Grade: 3//5

Our hats off to Brandon Lake for his ardent search for scripture to impart fresh and exciting truths in his songs. For the album's title cut, "Coat of Many Colors," Lake finds his inspiration from the story of Joseph to speak about our unique standing before Christ. Coupled with a catchy soft-rock tune, "Coat of Many Colors" parallels Joseph's experience and ours in Christ in stunning ways. Mark 2 is the story behind "Tear Off the Roof." Bringing us right into the room where Christ raises the paralytic, we can't help but sing along, "There's power in the presence/Power in the blood, power in the name of Jesus."

Despite the awful melody (or lack thereof) and Lake's overbearing shouting, "Count' Em" strings together stories from the Bible about God's miraculous power. Though not lyrically distinctive, worship leaders would do well to include "Praise You Anywhere." The thumping anthemic feel of "Praise You Anywhere" is most welcome in a genre filled with slow, syrupy ballads. Meanwhile, the gentle folkish "Miracle Child" reminds us how Christ's resurrection power changes our lives. 

However, there is a significant flaw with the record. There are far too many songs, and by the time the album reaches its halfway mark, the quality of the song slides. Though Lake shows his more tender side, "God is Not Against Me" suffers from banal lyrical writing: "You're in it with me/Working through me/Fighting for me." The words of "Country Psalm" sound like they were written in 30 minutes. Intending to thank God for nature (hence "country"), the lyrics are embarrassing juvenile: "If I counted my blessings they'd rival the stars/I'll praise You forevermore, even if I never get one more/Praise the Lord." 

Unfortunately, melodically, there is nothing to salvage the latter half of the songs. "Kids" contains traces of "Way Maker" and "More" sounds like a Morgan Wallen reject. Instead of stuffing the album with C-graded songs, it may have been better to hone the album down to 10 carefully crafted tracks. Less is more.



Tags : Brandon Lake “Coat of Many Colors” Album Review brandon lake Brandon Lake new album

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