"The Perfect Wave," the Movie About Second Chances, Coming to DVD (Watch Trailer Here)
Available on DVD on March 3 is the inspiring movie THE PERFECT WAVE. It features Scott Eastwood is the son of world famous film icon Clint Eastwood and stars in the October 2014 release Fury with Brad Pitt and Shia LaBeouf. He is also the male lead in the 2015 Nicholas Sparks adaptation The Longest Ride.
This true-life story features a wonderful message about second chances. It clearly shows that God is a God of second chances.
Ian McCormacks is a surfer who has always had problems with believing in God, even from the time he accompanied his Christian family to church. He leaves home as a rebel but a terrible accident and a close-as-you-can-come experience to death without staying dead occurs. He actually is pronounced dead and, well, without giving the ending away let's just say he is actually in the morgue when something remarkable happens.
This film is thought provoking while being entertaining. It features really good performances as well as a tight story and quality production. We are very happy to award the movie our Dove Seal. This one is not to be missed!
THE PERFECT WAVE was filmed in several exotic locations around the world including New Zealand, Bali, Sri Lanka, South Africa and the Island of Mauritius, it is a visually exquisite film directed by internationally-recognized director Bruce Macdonald and produced by seven-time Emmy winning producer S. Bryan Hickox.
"This true-life story features a wonderful message about second chances...This film is thought provoking while being entertaining. It features really good performances as well as a tight story and quality production. This one is not to be missed!" ~ Dove.org
Tags : the perfect wave the perfect wave movie the perfect wave on dvd blu-ray the perfect wave scott eastwood the perfect wave film the perfect wave dvd