Katy Perry Encourages Fans to Show Acts of Kindness

Christmas is a time of sharing with those around us who are stricken with poverty, illnesses, and tragedies. This is what pop singer Katy Perry, the daughter of two evangelical pastor-parents, did this Christmas. This Christmas, Perry invited fans to show an act of kindness to those less fortunate than us. Via twitter, they can let her know and out of those tweets she will pick a winner who will receive a glamourous dress that belongs to her.
"Kindness competition time!" Katy announced on Instagram. "Spread the ❤️ this Christmas and tell me about your charitable good deeds with the hashtags #HMdresstogive and #HappyandMerry. The prize for the most impressive act of kindness will win the fairy dress worn by yours truly in @HM's holiday campaign. Can't wait to hear your stories! ☝
Here's what the dress looks like:
Last year, Perry did a video for her song "Unconditionally" for UNICEF that brought together HIV positive and HIV negative young people "and asked them to show their love." They hug, kiss, laugh, dance, hold hands. Many write notes on a handheld chalkboard, such as "together stop AIDS now," "love is everything" and "survivor."
"I worked with UNICEF on this new 'Unconditionally' video in support of the 35 million people living with HIV, especially the young people who often suffer in silence," the 29-year-old American pop singer wrote.
Directed and edited by Brad Stein and filmed by director of photography Nick Montalvo, the UNICEF video campaign asks viewers to use the tags #ShowYourLove and #ZeroDiscrimination to promote the message. It also thanks Young Adult Program of Mount Sinai Institute of Advanced Medicine, AIDS Walk New York, and, of course, Katy Perry.
"We brought a group of young people together - both HIV positive and HIV negative - and watched some heartwarming moments unfold! " it says in the "about" section under the YouTube video. "
Perry has been a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador since December, 2013. Earlier that year, she accompanied UNICEF on a humanitarian mission to Madagascar, one of the poorest countries in the world, off the coast of Southeast Africa. -
Perry was born to Pentecostal pastors Maurice Keith Hudson and Mary Christine Perry. Her parents are born again Christians, each having turned to God after a "wild youth". From ages 3 to 11, Perry often moved across the country as her parents set up churches before settling again in Santa Barbara. Growing up, she attended religious schools and camps, including Paradise Valley Christian School in Arizona and Santa Barbara Christian School in California during her elementary years. Her family struggled financially, sometimes using food stamps and eating from the food bank intended to feed the congregation at her parents' church.
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