
Zane Vickery to Release "Breezewood" Jan 29

Zane Vickery

Zane Vickery brings hope into our season of despondence with his debut LP, Breezewood. Produced by Brendan St. Gelais ( Corey Kilgannon, Carver Commodore, McKenzie Lockhart) and mixed/ mastered by Chris Bethea (Penny & Sparrow, Sleeping At Last), this freshman effort showcases Zane as both a poetic songwriter and a powerful musician.

Zane's debut album, Breezewood, is a story of stories. It's been infused with nostalgia and hope. Inspired by points of intersection between Zane's life and Lewis's mythic Narnia, the songs illuminate a world filled with grace and wonder. Running on an engine of piano and powerful vocals, the songs mark childhood's passage into the adult world of dangers and opportunities alike. With the lyrical energy of a stage musical, the melodic hooks of 2010's power pop, and the narrative scope of an epic, Breezewood is a music fable. It begs to be heard and leaned into.

Zane Vickery grew up surrounded by the foothills of the Carolina Piedmont. It was there he learned to love the stories of C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Richard Adams. He's since moved away from his childhood home, but the stories are still with him. A stay-at-home father and musician, Zane lives to cultivate beauty within his family and community. He holds court along the coastal salt marshes of Beaufort, South Carolina, with his wife, three children, two dogs, and four cats.

Breezewood will be releasing January 29, 2021 on all major streaming platforms. 

Tags : Zane Vickery "Breezewood" Zane Vickery Zane Vickery news Zane Vickery new album

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