
Jay Vinson Offers Hope for Youth with Powerful New Memoir and Devotional

Jay Vinson

Faith-based leader and motivational youth coach Jay Vinson ( announced the official release of his second book created to help those struggling during difficult times. Written as a daily devotional,"Stepping Into Greatness: From Pain to Purpose & Promise" blends Vinson's personal and moving life story into a series of profound meditations that help guide readers to discover God's purpose for their lives. Warm, friendly and conversational, Vinson's devotional is intended for a wide audience: teenagers and adults, the faithful, and those who are still questioning. The book is now available via

"The most important question anyone can ask themselves is 'what is my purpose?'," said Vinson. "Because that question can lead us out of suffering and into a lifetime of discovering what God has planned for us. More often than not, that path starts with adversity and pain. This has never been more-clear than right now, with sickness and death all around us. But God always has a purpose for our pain. And life's adversity has a way of leading us toward a higher goal."

Though born into a family indelibly marked by early tragedies, Vinson ultimately transmuted his painful experiences, now living a life in testimony to the joy that God can bring when people surrender to His will.

"Every experience brings you to a point of understanding. Every trial, tribulation, heartache, and difficult circumstance creates an atmosphere of faith and purpose - if you can press through the pain. Believe me - I know what it's like and what it takes."

"Stepping Into Greatness": Meditations for Focused Living

While mentoring and educating teenagers and young athletes, Vinson gained a unique approach to leading people toward their life goals: "I have a lot of kids who come to me trying to figure out what they're supposed to be doing with their lives. That's a natural concern for any teenager. I always tell them it's all about connections: making the right relationships with people who are honorable and rooted in integrity. And making a connection with God. That's just as true for adults who are still looking to find their way. We always mirror those around us. And you can't get ahead when you have negative beliefs and the bad behaviors of others pulling you down. But once you realize that truth, you can start changing your own mindset. You begin to understand that you have a divine purpose. That realization is the goal of this book - that's the first step toward positioning yourself for a life of greatness."

About Jay Vinson: "A Victorious Life Is Waiting"

Educator, author and Lead Pastor for the True Life Church of Tuskegee, Alabama. Jay Vinson offers programs that propel individuals on a life-path marked by clear purpose and service to God. A Certified Spiritual, Health and Wellness Life Coach, Vinson helps people reconnect with their inner compass, encouraging spiritual growth and personal evolution with inspirational lessons that offer healing and wisdom for the spirit. Learn more at:





Tags : Jay Vinson Jay Vinson news Jay Vinson new book Jay Vinson memoir Jay Vinson devotional Stepping Into Greatness: From Pain to Purpose & Promise

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