
Ethan Luck of Relient K leaving the band

Ethan Luck, drummer of Relient K announced yesterday that he’s leaving the band.

Luck, posted the announced on the band’s Facebook page as well as on his Twitter and his blog

Luck is leaving Relient K after spending five years with the band. In his announcement Luck said that he thanks all the fans for spending their time and money to come to the band’s concerts and for spending their time with him after the shows having good conversations. Luck expressed that he’s beyond grateful.

He also shared that he’s currently out with Cold War Kids.

Ethan Luck’s goodbye to Relient K fans reads:

“It saddens me, more than you know, to tell you that I have left Relient K.  Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for the last 5 years.  You all made me feel like I was in the band longer than I was.  Thank you all for taking the time and spending the money to come to the shows, allowing me to have a job in music.  Thank you for spending time with me after shows, having good conversation or just saying hello.  I am beyond grateful.  I love being on tour so much and I can’t wait to play for you all again.  I’m currently out with Cold War Kids, guitar teching.  Come on out to a show and say hello!  Trust me when I say, I wish this would have turned out differently.  I tried my very best to not have things get to this point.

God Bless You All.

Ethan Luck”

Previously, on April 13, John Warne, Jon Schneck, and Ethan Luck of the band announced via Relient K's official Facebook page that all three of them “we will not be touring with Relient K on the upcoming tour dates.”

However, Relient K will still be touring this summer according to their later post from April 15 which reads, “We will be doing the upcoming tour as a full band, and we are very excited about it!”

In the same post Relient K also said that “We are all still friends, and only want the best for each other.”

On the tour, Relient K will have Dan Gartley and Tom Breyfogle performing with them on bass and drums respectively.

The same post by Relient K also reads:

“When Matt and I started this band in high school, we could have never imagined where it was headed, and it has continued to be a blessing and an amazing experience throughout the years. Thank you for sticking with us, hanging out with us, singing with us, and being a part of our lives.

Life happens. It is difficult to balance families, financial responsibilities, relationships, and the rest of life. Time won't slow down, and we are all on a journey, becoming the people we are going to be, and figuring out how to live. 

The Jo(h)ns and Ethan are not able to do this upcoming tour. We hope to continue to make records and play shows together in the future. 

We do plan to continue to play shows and make records. We would only ask at this point for your continued support. These types of things can tend to seem more dramatic than they actually are, and we urge you to not spread speculation about what may be going on. We would ask that you would support us and hope for the best for us individually and collectively.”

The band recently finished their new album Collapsible Lung. Relient K, “It was made by all five of us. We apologize for the delays thus far. We are so excited about it and can't wait for you to hear it!”

Currently the band has published a new lyric video for a new song from their upcoming album. The song is titled “Don’t blink,” and can be found at  

Tags : Ethan Luck Relient K leaving band rock bop

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