
Husband and Wife Duo Chase & Co. Release "Meantime"

 Chase & Co.

Husband and wife duo Chase & Co. release their brand new single "Meantime." You can listen to the song HERE

"We wrote it a few years ago, shortly after starting this ministry (Chase & Co.). We've always said we're `open handed' with what God wants to do in and through us. This song talks about how we can't control everything, but we can rely on the fact that God is always working... Even in the meantime." 

Brandon and Theresa Chase are a husband and wife duo that reside in the city of Nashville. Both being raised in the church, these two singer/songwriters new their calling for worship and ministry at a young age. They have been traveling and spreading the gospel and their music for over a decade, as they live to see the earth transformed to Heavens likeness. 

The heart and mission behind Chase & Co was inspired by Hebrews 2:12, "I will tell of your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will sing your praise." Their intention in every event and service is to bring unity among the congregation and lift up one voice in worship to Heaven. 

Tags : Chase & Co. "Meantime" Chase & Co.

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