
Katty Camargo to Debut "Healing Waters" on Aug. 31

Katty Camargo

Christian and prophetic artist Katty Camargo is excited to announce the release of her latest single, "Healing Waters," on August 31, 2024, through Almond Tree Music. This deeply moving song is a testimony of Camargo's personal journey of healing and faith, inspired by Ezekiel 47:1-12.

"Healing Waters" invites listeners to experience the profound depths of God's healing power and renewal. The song captures Camargo's own miraculous recovery from a severe health crisis in 2018, when she faced a thrombosis in her head and endured a year of anticoagulant treatment. Despite the severity of her condition, her complete recovery remains inexplicable to medical professionals who have marveled at her wellness. Doctors even suggested she adopt the name "Katty Miracles," yet Camargo says her healing is because of Jesus who told her: "This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it." John 11:4.

Katty Camargo's heartfelt and inspiring new single serves as a live testimony to the transformative power of divine healing. "Healing Waters" offers a powerful message of faith and renewal that resonates deeply with listeners, inviting them to experience the same healing, not only physically but also emotionally, in their own lives.

The single will be available on all major music platforms starting August 31, 2024. A video preview of "Healing Waters" can be viewed here:

Camargo is a renowned Christian prophetic artist known for her powerful voice and soul-stirring music. Her personal story is woven into her compositions, which continues to inspire and uplift audiences worldwide. With a mission to share the message of faith and divine renewal, Camargo's work celebrates the transformative grace of God.

Almond Tree Music, her music label, is devoted to seeing the word of God being fulfilled in people's lives and communities. With a focus on Biblical lyrics and prophetic vision, the label strives to make a profound and lasting impact. Discover more here: Almond Tree Music.

Stay connected with Katty Camargo for updates on her music and upcoming projects.


Tags : Katty Camargo Katty Camargo Healing Waters Katty Camargo new single

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