Chilling Teaser Trailer Released for 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part One,' Featuring an Unlikely Member of the Rebellion...
Chilling Teaser Trailer Released for 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part One,' Featuring an Unlikely Member of the Rebellion...
"Panem today, Panem tomorrow, Panem forever" are the chilling words one is left with after viewing the teaser trailer for 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part One.' This is the third and newest installment in the wildly popular series of movies based on the trilogy of young adult books by Suzanne Collins. Its predecessors, 'The Hunger Games' and 'Catching Fire,' met with incredible box office success; in the United States alone, the films brought in about $408,000,000 and $424,000,000, respectively.
The teaser trailer for 'Mockingjay Part One' features an always-eerie President Snow, addressing the Capitol with a silent and foreboding Peeta Mellark by his side. President Snow delivers a short but powerful speech about why the residents of Panem are lucky to have the government system in place that they do, and therefore they should put all of their rebellious activity to rest (fans of the series will recall the ending of 'Catching Fire' and remember that Katniss is now the unofficial figurehead of the rebellion's forces).
In the previous film, Katniss and her fellow Hunger Games victors/tributes put an end to the Hunger Games as Panem knows it, and the country is now in full-fledged rebellion. Peeta Mellark, a fellow tribute and Katniss's love interest, was captured by President Snow at the close of 'Catching Fire,' and is now being held prisoner in the Capitol. What does his presence at President Snow's side, dressed in corresponding clothing and with a face wiped clean of expression, possibly mean for his fate, as well as that of Katniss and the rebellion?
'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part One' is slated to be released in U.S. movie theaters on November 21st.
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