
Soul Survivor Paints a Powerful Picture of the Cross with "Table of the Lord"

Soul Survivors

"From the cross You made a table," the opening line on Soul Survivor's new single Table Of The Lord paints a powerful picture... The cross is transformed from a place of pain and separation to a place of celebration and of welcome!

As a pioneering youth movement running from 1993 to 2019 and headed by Pastor Mike Pilavachi, Soul Survivor set fire to thousands of hearts and are continuing to do so as a new season unfolds in front of them. Table Of The Lord is built around an atmospheric soundscape, filling the listener with a sense of awe at the beauty of the lyrical imagery... Calvary is not the end, it is the beginning of our rejoicing at the table of the Lord. 

We give thanks around the table/The table of the Lord/Where Your mercy's pouring freely/And Your perfect love restores/Where Your grace is overflowing/It spills out on the floor/There is always more At the table of the Lord 

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