
Author Lynette Eddy Offers an Innovative Approach to Overcoming Negative Thoughts

Lynette Eddy

Could the key to overcoming feelings of isolation, loneliness, and depression lie in the practice of mind management?

In her new book, The Fight Inside: Winning the Battle Between Your Ego and True Spirit, author and social worker Lynette Eddy explains how thoughts determine actions, and provides tools, techniques and resources to help readers better manage destructive thoughts to reduce unnecessary psychological suffering.

After her husband died by suicide in 2010, Eddy fought through her agonizing grief with one goal: to reclaim her personal strength and joy. This healing journey taught her that, while her husband's ego voice drove him to despair and self-destruction, there is another voice within every person, crying to be heard: the spirit voice. By tuning into this positive, life-affirming voice - and by minimizing her negative, destructive ego voice - Eddy improved her relationship with herself and released what was causing her suffering and holding her back.

By overcoming her own personal struggles and through her experiences as a social worker, Eddy created the Open-Heart Mindfulness approach, which aims to help people discover the sense of freedom and inner peace that comes from silencing fear-based voices and instead listening to the voices of their true selves.

"In addition to personal transformation, listening to ego or spirit results in consequences at a collective level," Eddy said. "With so much going on in the world today, it's more important than ever to tune into our spirit so we can connect with ourselves both individually and at the community level."

In The Fight Inside, Eddy details the steps people can take as individuals and as a society to overcome the ego voice and be the change needed in the world.

"Inside of you are the keys to authenticity, fulfillment and happiness, as well as the power to resolve even the most complicated existential threats in our society," she added. "The Fight Inside will guide you toward a rich, meaningful life ... a life you truly deserve."

In addition to being an MSW, Lynette Eddy is an author, social activist and the founder of Eddy House (, a nonprofit that focuses on helping homeless and at-risk teens. She is a recipient of several national, state and community awards for her achievements in social work. The Fight Inside is her first book. Eddy currently resides in Reno, Nevada.

Learn more at, or follow the author on Facebook (Lynette Eddy) or Instagram (eddylynette).



Tags : Lynette Eddy Negative Thoughts Lynette Eddy new book The Fight Inside: Winning the Battle Between Your Ego and True Spirit

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