
Influencers Sazan and Stevie Hendrix Share the Secret of Cultivating a Life of Joy with New Book

 Sazan and Stevie Hendrix

Influencers, digital creators and dynamic husband and wife host duo, Sazan and Stevie Hendrix announce the upcoming release of their debut book, "A Real Good Life: Discover the Simple Moments That Bring Joy, Connection, and Love." The Hendrix's know what it's like to search for "the good life" with both having achieved success at a young age. They know firsthand that the "success" people think they want isn't what truly satisfies.

Even as their careers and social media popularity grew with millions of followers, they were still searching for the good life, just like everyone else. What they discovered in that search completely changed how they lived their days-and by extension, their lives. Now, they are bringing their message to the masses with "A Real Good Life" which releases on October 10 via HarperCollins/Thomas Nelson in both print and digital formats.  The title is also available for preorder.

"The good life you're looking for won't be found in the latest purchase, career success, or dream location-it's found by intentionally cultivating the simple everyday moments that make up a real good life," says Sazan and Stevie. "We say we want 'the good life,' but that often leads us to constantly chase after the next thing, compare ourselves to others, and feel disconnected and unable to enjoy the good things that are right in front of us."

Providing readers with a unique guide through the morning, midday, evening, and night hours as a rhythm for cultivating a good life, "A Real Good Life" explores the essence of what it means to live a meaningful and joyful existence in today's fast-paced world and dives deep into the heart of human experience, unveiling profound insights and practical wisdom. Through engaging storytelling, personal anecdotes, and thought-provoking exercises, Sazan and Stevie invite readers to rediscover the simple moments that hold the power to bring immense joy, connection, and love into their lives.

From savoring a home-cooked meal with loved ones, nurturing self-care practices, to finding solace in nature's embrace, "A Real Good Life" reminds readers that amidst the chaos of modern life, true fulfillment can be found by embracing the present moment and cherishing the simple joys that surround use each and every day. Sazan and Stevie take readers on a transformative journey, uncovering the keys to lasting happiness and contentment through inspirational wisdom and insightful and practical steps to achieving the good life, including:

  • Insights on fostering deeper relationships with family, friends, and community that create belonging and connection.
  • Defining your own values and deciding what "home" looks like in your own life.
  • Finding balance and purpose in a hectic world with easy tips to set yourself up for a good day by being intentional with your morning, afternoon, evening, and nighttime hours.
  • The importance of reflecting, focusing, gathering, and resting.
  • Looking at life as a gift that should be cherished every single moment.

Adds Sazan and Stevie, "It's our goal to help others experience a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment that's often missing from the world we live in both on and offline. There are no milestones to hit here. No weight goals you need to make. No amount of pressure, money or social standing that matters. We want to invite you to sit at our table, exactly as you are, and let us help you cultivate a life full of joy and fulfillment. P.S. It's closer than you think!"

For more information about "A Real Good Life" and Sazan and Stevie Hendrix, please visit


Tags : Sazan and Stevie Hendrix Sazan and Stevie Hendrix new book Sazan and Stevie Hendrix news A Real Good Life: Discover the Simple Moments That Bring Joy Connection and Love.

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