
The Rock Music's Caleb & Kelsea Yetton Offer an Exclusive Look at "No One Knows Me Like You"

Caleb & Kelsea Yetton

No One Knows Me Like You, the latest release from The Rock Music-a collective of Spirit-led, Christ-centered worshippers flourishing for more than two decades as a ministry of The Rock Church in Salt Lake City-is set to bow today. Spotlighting longtime group members Caleb & Kelsea Yetton, the five-song EP draws thematic inspiration from the title track, a soaring pop anthem produced by Carter Frodge (Newsboys, The Afters) and written by The Rock Music's Caleb Yetton and Steele Croswhite along with acclaimed singer/songwriter Joel Vaughn.  

Q: Caleb, thank you for doing this interview with us. Could you please tell us a little about yourself and your ministry with The Rock Music?

I am a husband to my wife Kelsea-we celebrated our 15th anniversary this year-and we have four kids ranging in age from 6 to 12. I help pastor a local church in Draper, Utah, called The Rock Church. I have been a pastor for about 10 years and have been helping lead worship in our church for about 17 years. 

The Rock Music is the worship ministry of our church, and for over 20 years we have been releasing original worship and Christian music. We aim to love God, bless believers, and win the lost. We desire to love God with our whole hearts, and we want to bless and encourage our local congregation with unique music written for our church family. We also want to connect with unbelievers in Utah who may be interested in a relationship with God. Music is an easy way to break down barriers and it enables people to have an experience with Jesus as they listen. We have been encouraged to have many friends and neighbors visit our church through the years, often because they heard about our music first. 

Q: I have read that the title cut and theme of the EP are drawn from a painful season, which included Kelsea's mother's death. Tell us more about what you and Kelsea went through.

Yes, the loss of Kelsea's mother, Jeanne, has undoubtedly affected every part of our lives in the last few years. She was diagnosed with cancer in June of 2022, and she passed away last December. Jeanne was an amazing woman of faith who loved her family and friends deeply. She served Jesus and the church passionately and had a heart for lost people. The last couple of years have been filled with sadness, grief, and loss, but they have also been a reflection of Jesus, eternal life, our purpose as Christians, and the radically life-changing ways God loves and saves. 

Personally, Jeanne was more than just a typical mother-in-law. She was a true friend who showed me a lot of grace and love for 16 years. I experienced God's love through her care for me. However, the greatest care, love, and understanding I have ever received is from Jesus, which is the central theme of the title cut. 

Q: What or who gave you strength during this time?

Simply put, Jesus and the church. Our Lord has been near and present amid heartache. The reality of Heaven has allowed us to grieve with Hope and helped bring perspective in the dark moments. His Word and Spirit have been a constant comfort. Also, the people of God have been an incredible support. I don't know how people go through difficult things without the support of a local church. The love and care we have received is hard to put into words. We have been loved more profoundly than we can even comprehend, and that is because God's love changes people to be more like Him.

Q: How has your perspective of worship changed due to such a painful season?

I don't know that it has changed, but it has certainly deepened. My most authentic and raw self is often unearthed while worshipping Jesus-working through feelings of guilt and shame; being reminded of Christ's love; and reflecting on how my life has changed and how it is nothing but the grace of Jesus that has brought that change. Processing grief and celebrating the beauty of life amid loss has also happened while singing to Jesus. 

Jeanne was a true worshipper. She loved to sing and praise Jesus through song and her whole life was one of worship. She walked around the house singing worship songs and the joy of the Lord poured out of her. This experience has brought the purpose of life-which is to worship Jesus and bring Him glory in our singing and in our lives-into perspective, especially through the pain. It has been a season of wrestling with doubt and fear and asking ourselves what we give our lives to, but it has also added more profound meaning to the pain. 

Q: Why did you cut renowned favorites "All Hail King Jesus" and "You're Beautiful" for the record?

These are two worship songs we have been doing at church for years now, and our local congregation has loved singing them. We felt like we had put our spin on them, and it would be an encouragement to our church to be able to listen and sing along with our versions at home.

As we were selecting songs for the EP while going through this painful time as a family, an overarching theme of Heaven kept popping up, and these songs speak about Heaven. The final verse of "You're Beautiful" powerfully proclaims the day that we will worship Jesus in Heaven with no more pain or tears. And "All Hail King Jesus" sings of joining with all of Heaven to sing praise to Him. We even sang "All Hail King Jesus" at Jeanne's Celebration of Life service, and it was a comfort to know she was in His presence and was also singing "Holy" at that very moment. That is the reality my mother-in-law is experiencing right now, so these songs seemed appropriate to add to the EP. 

Q: I like the song "Revolution Medicine" on the new EP. Could you tell us more about this song and the story behind it?

I love that song! It's one Kelsea wrote back in 2007 before she and I even met. We have played it at outreach concerts over the last 17 years but never properly recorded it. I always wanted to, but we couldn't make it happen until now. I'm so glad we finally recorded it. It felt like a natural fit with the theme of these songs. Jesus meets us in the midst of our pain and invites us to "leave it all outside" as we follow Him into the home He makes for us. 

Here are Kelsea's thoughts on the song as well:

I wrote "Revolution Medicine" during a low point in my life. It's amazing how the lowest points I've had are the points where I've grown closer to my Savior. Though everything felt misplaced and painful, it was the stretching and change I needed in my life and my soul. The song redirects my mind back to what actually matters when everything feels stripped away; all I need is Jesus and His power and comfort. It talks about God's revolution medicine-the things He's orchestrated in my life that feel drastic, too much, or overwhelming, but that are actually for my good-and encourages me to rely on Him more fully instead of myself. I praise Him for His grace and mercy intervening in my life, saving me from myself, and helping me look to Him to move forward through heartbreaking moments little by little.

Q: How do you hope these songs will minister to those who are also going through a difficult time?

First, I hope people come to realize that they are fully known by God and fully loved. I struggle with carrying around shame or having moments of past guilt come rushing into my mind, and I've come to realize I'm not alone in this. So, whether people are going through difficult things brought about by their own mistakes or they are suffering from loss or pain, I pray they know that God sees our sins and how our hearts run from Him. He sees our doubts and our anger, even when we don't turn to Him to work things out. He is patient. He is kind. He is near. And He is good. The enemy would have us believe we are the only ones who are messed up or lonely, but that is not true. We all need Christ's love to heal us. Those are ultimately the themes of "No One Knows Me Like You," "Holy Savior," and "Revolution Medicine."

Secondly, I hope folks are reminded of our hope in Heaven. Because of the love and grace of Jesus, we have a home in Him. We drink the Living Water that quenches our thirst for belonging and we grieve with Hope. 

For further information, visit The Rock MusicThe Rock Church or Turning Point Media Relations. Follow The Rock Music on Instagram and Facebook


Tags : the rock music No One Knows Me Like You Caleb & Kelsea Yetton the rock music interview Caleb & Kelsea Yetton interview

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