
Home-front: The Revolution Release Date, Reveals, Rumors and Plot: Ownership of Home-front Franchise Shifts Ownership from Crytek UK to Koch Media

Home-front: The Revolution

Home-front: The Revolution Release Date, Reveals, Rumors and Plot:  Ownership of Home-front Franchise Shifts Ownership from Crytek UK to Koch Media

 The first installment of Home-front followed a Dark Story about how North Koreans invaded the United States and slaughtered people in the streets and finished any sources of resistance there were possible. Te game was released sometime back in 2011 and published by THQ as a single player campaign which can take up any amount of time with different levels of difficulty of course. The game has been slated for release some time in 2015 and will be available for platforms, PC, PS4 and X Box 360. At the present, no confirmation has been given about release for next generation console, X Box One, though it is safe to assume, the platform will have its day with the game.

The plot of the game now follows the title; Home-front: The Revolution which is set in the context of 2029. This is two years after the events of the first game whereby the United States has gained some progress by reclaiming some of the states in the western part of the country. Obviously, this version of the game is going to feature open world graphics just like many other games which are to be released around the same period. The game will start in Philadelphia featuring guerilla warfare. That means ambushes, hit and runs, sabotage and re-con on the enemy for weapons and tactics.

The main reason for the non confirmed delay in the release date for the game probably has to do with the fact that the original developers, Crytek UK ran into some financial difficulty. The developers eventually sold off the game to Koch Media which took up the reigns of the project.  With all of this instability, it would be a surprise to see the game released sometime before the fall of 2015 unless the developers rush the delivery, which would not be wise at all. It seems that Crytek themselves took on more than they could chew. At least that does not mean that the game itself may suffer, unless the new management does not handle things well.




Tags : Home-front: The Revolution Home-front: The Revolution release Home-front: The Revolution reveals Home-front: The Revolution news Home-front: The Revolution game Home-front: The Revolution release date Home-front: The Revolution release news Home-front: The Revolution sneak peek Home-front: The Revolution trailer Home-front: The Revolution rumors Home-front: The Revolution coming soon Home-front: The Revolution whats next Home-front: The Revolution trailers Home-front: The Revolution news rumor Home-front: The Revolution game plot Home-front: The Revolution plot news Home-front: The Revolution game coming soon Home-front: The Revolution game 2015 Home-front: The Revolution 2015 game Home-front: The Revolution game plots

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