
'Days And Nights' Release Date: Inspired By 'The Seagull' Written By Russian Playwright Anton Chekhov

days and nights

"Days And Nights" Release Date: Inspired By "The Seagull" Written By Russian Playwright Anton Chekhov

This September, if you love drama to be seen in the silver screen and if you want to see Katie Holmes get back to making movies again; then prepare yourself to watch this upcoming indie movie - "Days and Nights." A highly acclaimed director who has works that a lot of people really have respect for like the successful TV series "Dexter" and the movie "The Hurt Locker" will direct it. We are talking about none other than the brilliant Christian Camargo who is also part of the cast.

"Days and Nights" was inspired by "The Seagull" written by Russian playwright Anton Chekhov. This one's setting however is going to be during the 80s in New England. This movie is going to be released in the US on Sept. 26 this year. It has already made some buzz when it was screed Nov. 8 of last year during the Denver Film Festival. This was also viewed during the Palm Springs International Film Festival back in Jan. 4 of this year.

Critics are so far rating this as a promising drama movie in the indie world. It's a film revolving on a tragedy that happened in New England during a Memorial Day. The musical score of the film was said to be haunting and the cinematography was spot on that it is a delight to watch. The cast of this movie is star studded so you could anticipate high quality performances from big names such as Katie Holmes, Jean Reno, Ben Whishaw, Juliet Rylance, Cherry Jones, William Hurt and Christian Camargo as well.

The plot is basically about Herb (played by William Hurt) a landowner who has become very ill but he has to still be strong for his family. In this movie you will see how a family can surpass a chaotic weekend and how are they going to still be there for each other.

Catch "Days and Nights" when it premieres this Sept. 26 in America.

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