
Adrian Peterson Son Death: What Has Changed Since Then?

Adrian Peterson Son Death

Adrian Peterson Son Death: What Has Changed Since Then?

Times hadn't really been simple for the Peterson family from the last year or so. From abuse charges to death, there was a lot to deal with for this talented NFL star and now it seems like he is putting a lot of efforts to set things right and be a parent that makes his parents proud.

Recently, his mother Bonita Jackson talked about how the world is attacking him and nothing of it is actually true. She said that Adrian is not actually the kind of guy that media has portrayed over the last year. According to her, people think that he can hurt almost anyone including his family, which is completely outrageously. Although she thinks that discipline is important, she also believes that her son would never cross the line. Apparently, she thinks that whipping those you love is sometimes just a personal issue and nothing else. She even added that she along with her husband hit their children including Adrian while they were growing up. They even used belts and sticks for corporal punishment. Now that's where it has been from. Seems like it is a difficult situation for Adrian Peterson since childhood.

Meanwhile, various people have talked about the incident and they believe that corporal punishment is not the way to disciplines. Psychologists emphasize on the fact that corporal punishment leads to fear, anger and lot of negative emotions that finally cause bipolar disorders.

In fact, a large number of North American people also support the idea of more mental punishments like making the kids stand in corner for five minutes rather than hitting with a stick. That's something old school and not many seem to agree with. Although different countries have different laws, when it comes to US laws, corporal punishment is not something readily acceptable.  

Nevertheless, the good news is the Adrian is consulting alternative punishment methods rather than physical ones. Let's say it will help him take away from corporal punishment. It is obviously difficult to talk on cases like that but his mother showed quite some guts by supporting Adrian and focusing on his desire to change.  



Tags : Adrian Peterson Son Death Adrian Peterson Son Death Adrian Peterson beating son Adrian Peterson corporal punishment Adrian Peterson problems Adrian Peterson case Adrian Peterson beat Adrian Peterson mother Adrian Peterson son

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